onsdag den 26. juni 2013

Cup of Nymph Tears

Cup of Nymph Tears
3 times per day: 3d8+3
2 times per day: cure poison
1 time per day: heal
1 time per week: raise dead
1 time per year: ressurection

43rd session: Return of the Lich

12th moon, 25th day, year 5217
Arriving at the temple, the brothers activate the next trial. 

A horned devil appears in a puff of smoke:
It’s been a while. Our lord was starting to wonder if you had forsaken him. What do you have to say in your defense?

The T'orghs explained that they had been stuck in a time-trap in the Faerie, and it was out of their hands.
Ah well, that is most unfortunate. Luckily, the Lord of Light sees far and beyond the mortal keen, and should you succeed in getting the scrolls, there is no doubt he will still have a use for you. 
The Eternal Brazier is the next thing to acquire. A giant-sized brazier whose fire can not be extinguished. Bring that to the altar. You can find it somewhere in the bowels of the Ashbringer
With the Ashbringer being way north of the human lands, they decided first to visit a nearby village called Trinity, before settling on a way to get up north. Trinity however, had changed quite a bit. No longer was it a small village, but instead now a busy city filled with a trade focused on wood. 

In Trinity, which they were visiting under illusionary guise, they found out that a large clan of fire giants have their home in the Ashbringer, and as they were leaving, they were attacked in the street by the Jhalavar lich. Jeggred is sent back to Hell, and soon Belos is dying and Nalfein flees. The lich disappears with Belos.

12th moon, 27th day, year 5217
After using a lot of traveling and divination spells, Nalfein tracks down Belos in the north. He is kept prisoner in the palace of the metropolis Araxis (formerly known as Laketown), the capital of the Kingdom of Panolia. Using an Aerial Servant, Nalfien manages to break out a naked Belos. Together they flee Araxis, when Nalfein uses his Word of Recall to return to the altar. 

There they find themselves facing an iron golem, surely a little surprise left by the lich. The two brothers opt to run.

Once away from the golem, the dark elves start to hatch a plan to lure the lich into a trap and once and for all be done with the pesky undead and get Belos' items back.

They flee to the Casino in order to avoid further attacks.

torsdag den 20. juni 2013

Oversigt over sommer-periode

25. juni - spiller
2. juli - spiller
9. juli - AFLYST (er i Paris, Bønne f-dag)
16. juli - AFLYST (er i sommerhus)
23. juli - AFLYST (er i sommerhus)
30. juli - spiller
6. august - spiller
13. august - spiller
20. august - spiller
27. august - spiller


onsdag den 19. juni 2013

42nd session: Castle NeverNever

10th moon, 20th day, year 4554
With the 3rd trial out of the way, the brothers headed over to the Grieving Palace, where they received a golden token so that they could enter Castle NeverNever.

10th moon, 23rd day, year 4554
Some days later, the dark elf brothers arrived at Castle NeverNever. With the token in hand, they had no trouble getting in, and found themselves in a huge hall. With the help of a house goblin, they were led down to a huge dining room, where more than 700 people sat and dined with the King and Queen of Faeries. 

The brothers sat down, and were soon approached by a human fellow named Lotar Hubert. They quickly discovered that his interest in them (Belos had noticed he had starred at them quite a lot and followed them a bit around) was purely academic. After some talk, they were shocked to know why. Apparently, their passage into the Faerie had warped time, and 350 years had passed in the mortal world. Imix had sacked Menzo, then destroyed the Silent Forest before being banished and imprisoned by an unknown group of humans and elves (last bit divined by Nalfein a bit later). The remaining dark elves had fled underground and founded a new city, Menzar, while those who stayed above ground had been put to the sword, as divinations clearly had shown that dark elves had freed Imix.

Some years had passed, and then Menzar had seen a revolt, as House Mizzrym (divined by Nalfein) had turned out to be mindflayers. They enslaved all the dark elves and ruled Menzar for a while. Then the drow struck, and they killed the mindflayers, sacked Menzar and enslaved the surviving dark elves.

Meanwhile, above ground, an invasion force from another continent sailed in from the east and conquered most of the human lands. Nowadays, the lands are divided between the empire of XXX, and the three kingdoms YYY, ZZZ and VVVV.

After learning this, the brothers were very shocked. Nalfein was horrified while Belos and even Tagar seemed quite happy about the new situation. They each retreated to a chamber, Nalfein to seek the councel of Asmodeus about a number of things, Belos to look for some interesting books, and Tagar to spend some quality time with a willing nymph. 

The next day, they approached the King in order to get the cup. He challenged them to prove themselves in 3 different contests against the eladrins. Tests of strength, wit and knowledge. Against the cup, they bet something very personal, be it an important memory (all 3) or their soul (Belos). 

As it seemed impossible to win the cup fairly, Tagar snatched the cup as Nalfein cast a spell to leave the Faerie and return to the mortal world. As the brothers changed plane, the King stopped time just a second too late to catch them, and home they were. 

12th moon, 16th day, year 5217
The brothers arrive in a snowstorm, in the middle of nowhere. Quickly they port back to what was Menzo, and find the altar of the T'orgh temple still stands, now in the middle of a forest, overgrown by all sorts of vines and bushes. Soon after they arrive, Belos notices that they are scryed upon. 

Under the cover of the darkness stone, they quickly flee and camp in Belos' portable house.

12th moon, 17th day, year 5217
As they get up in the morning and leave the house, they are attacked by their old friend, the lich from House Jhalavar. Luckily, Tagar manages to turn him and the lich is forced to port away.

They decide to get on with the trials, so that they can free their people and rule all 3 together, with the scrolls.

onsdag den 12. juni 2013

41st session: The Caves of Oblivion and an odd thing to ask for...

10th moon, 13th day, year 4554
Arriving at the Caves of Oblivion, the brothers meet Andro, a Sphinx. He tells them that the second trial is simple, all they have to do is to enter the Caves and exit on the other side. 

Nalfein summons his new buddy called Dunder, a huge earth elemental, and they proceed towards the entrance. As Belos enters, Jeffrey transforms back into a skull, and afraid to lose Jegred, Nalfein sends him over the hills, while he enters with Dunder, who disappears in similar fashion.

With the exit closing behind them, the brothers are now trapped inside, with no magic working.

10th moon, 15th day, year 4554
After two days of wandering into traps of all sorts and getting lost countless of times, the T'orghs manage to find their way out of the depths of the Caves of Oblivion. Andro finds them and sends them to the third trial, the Grieving Palace.

10th moon, 17th day, year 4554
Two days later, and a nightly encounter with some Will'O'Wisps that turned out to be some nasty buggers, later, the dark elves arrive at the Grieving Palace, an ancient ruin in the fey forest, filled with statues that weep salty tears. There they meet a pegasus, who tell them that the third trial is to acquire and give him the sound of a butterfly's wings under a dragon's breath. Bemused that such a thing exists, the brothers spend some time wondering how on earth they could deliver just that, until Nalfein recalls that the Faerie is known for it's Gnome Fair, a place where everything and nothing is traded.

10th moon, 19th day, year 4554
Located in the woods, surrounded by dark mushrooms, the dark elves find the Fair. The entrance guarded by a pair of ettins.

The market is a strange place: eladrin rub shoulders with quicklings, gnomes, goblins, and centaurs, and everything seems to move to the beat of music that the brothers can hear everywhere: pipes, drums, and harps.
The merchants there sell hunting imps, offer bottled passion and the services of house goblins, as well as cold iron exorcisms to banish mortals, rituals for hibernation, rituals for baking, debauchery and waterproof roofing, all at the top of their lungs.

After some inquiries and a fortunetelling (will defeat enemy, find big treasure then lose all earthly possessions) the brothers find a gnome called Strahvi, who has a bottle with the sound of a butterfly under a dragon’s breath. He wants the priest’s wisdom, the mage’s intelligence, a soul, a memory of a great prowess, a future moment of great success and last but not least, he wants the purple diamond of the formorian king who lives in the Iron Chateau.

10th moon, 20th day, year 4554
The brothers have no intention of parting with their abilities, and haggling with the gnome doesn't help. They consider a lot of options, but end up using a scroll to trick the gnome and trap his soul in a gem, and thus force him to hand over the potion they need. They also force him to promise to never seek them out for revenge.

fredag den 7. juni 2013

40th session: The Crystal Lake

10th moon, 12th day, year 4554
After wandering the Faerie in search of the Crystal Lake, but without encountering any dangers, the brothers finally found the Lake which was aptly named, since translucent crystals were floating all around it's surface. They met Gnigan, a friendly-looking gnome. He asked them to enter the 60' diameter circle he had drawn on the ground.

My name is Gnigan and this is the first trial. Please step into the circle.
The brothers, not quite sure what kind of ambush to expect, hesitated for a while, but eventually stepped into the circle.

It is a very simple trial of your strength and stamina, as well as your ability to handle yourself when outnumbered. In a moment, a few local monsters will arrive and take up position outside the circle. On my word, some will start to attack you, as you kill them, more will step into the circle and attack you. In order to pass the trial, you must not leave the circle before all monsters are slain. You must also not attack before I give the go ahead. Do you understand the rules? 
Good, here are the opponents..
Numerous very large werewolves started to come out of the woods, encircling the circle and the T'orghs. Their fangs dripping with saliva and tongues hanging out, they looked at the brothers as if they were the first food they had seen in ages..... And then they attacked. Wave after wave after wave. They kept coming. At first, the T'orghs didn't have any problems keeping up with the living flood. But as all their buff spells started to run out and Jegred and Jeffrey died, the situation became more and more untenable. Eventually even the might of the dark elves was no match for the numbers of the fey werewolves and they were all ripped to pieces....
God grief, that was very impressive said Gnigan as they woke up. I can't recall seeing anyone lasting that long in a while. You killed more than 70 wolves, or would have, had they not been illusions. Very good, you have completed the first trial, the next is in the Caves of Oblivion. You may go now.